Age-class 14+ points

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Pos Time Team No Team Name Club Lap 1   Lap 2   Lap 3   Competitors Courses
n/c 73:25 846 Hardings South HH 25:41 (1st) 24:46 (1st) 22:58 (1st) Hollie Orr/Alison Harding/Kevin Harding 4 - aaAa,4 - bBbb,4 - bAaBc
1st 82:05 845 Maroc Magicians MAROC 31:47 (6th) 26:49 (3rd) 23:29 (2nd) Jennifer Ricketts/Rosie Getliff/Paul McMillan 4 - aaAa,4 - bAbb,4 - bBaBc
2nd 82:54 849 Gramp 1 GRAMP 32:27 (7th) 26:30 (2nd) 23:57 (3rd) Robert Daly/Iain McLeod/Robert Hickling 4 - aaAa,4 - bAbb,4 - bBaBc
3rd 83:48 853 INT Team Compasspoint SW INT 30:59 (3rd) 27:43 (5th) 25:06 (4th) Graham McIntyre/Barry Owen/Max Carcas 4 - aaAa,4 - bAbb,4 - bBaBc
4th 89:19 850 Feel the POWer! POW 31:37 (4th) 27:17 (4th) 30:25 (8th) Megan Carter-Davies/Eunice Carter/Callum Carter-Davies 4 - aaAa,4 - bBbb,4 - bAaBc
5th 89:32 854 WCOC WCOC 29:04 (2nd) 29:43 (6th) 30:45 (9th) Pete Nelson/Debbie Watson/Graham Watson 4 - aaAa,4 - bBbb,4 - bAaBc
6th 94:01 848 RR Twae RR 33:44 (8th) 30:34 (9th) 29:43 (7th) Rob Cranston/Eileen Maxwell/Keith Murray 4 - aaBa,4 - bBbb,4 - bAaAc
7th 94:19 847 CLYDE Battleships CLYDE 31:41 (5th) 33:30 (10th) 29:08 (6th) Alastair Dunlop/Liz Orr/Ian Davidson 4 - aaBa,4 - bAbb,4 - bBaAc
n/c 95:01 852 INT Team Compasspoint NE INT 36:50 (9th) 30:02 (8th) 28:09 (5th) Ken Daly/Fiona Weir/Ken Daly 4 - aaBa,4 - bBbb,4 - bAaAc
mp 93:19 851 Ayrockandahardplace AYROC 37:59 (10th) 29:59 (7th) m13   Phil Smith/Charlie Woodward/Bob Cherry 4 - aaBa,4 - bAbb,4 - bBaAc