GOF nätt cup 1 (09.10.2013)
Kategorie: Competition
Mapa/oblast: Floda
Pořadatel: SAIK
Země: Sweden
Disciplína: Night
Skutečná délka: 7.34 km
Čas: 61:00
Prům. tepy: 165
Max. tepy: 220
I started well it was exciting to race in the mass start! Took the straight route on the long leg, marginally quicker than round against one of my club members think this means that I could ahve done round quicker! Also took the wrong route to the first control, it seems obvious now but in the heat of the start I decided left had a better attackpoint. At five I arrived with a big group of people got over excited and just ran off got over excited and wanted to stay ahead as I found 5 first. Unfortunately didn't make the plan I should ahve made, so did a 180 and then messed up the end of 6th leg as rushing to find the control and messed up coming out of the control. After this I slowed up and played it more safe and made much better plans, but I also lost some of the competitive speed and 'push' I had at the start.
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GOF nätt cup 1  (09.10.2013) GOF nätt cup 1  (09.10.2013)