CompassSport Cup Final (20.10.2013)
Kategorie: Competition
Mapa/oblast: Moseley Green
Pořadatel: BOK
Země: England
Skutečná délka: 11.67 km
Čas: 56:55
Representing RR in the Trophy. (not race map)OK run, a few daft mistakes. ~20s on 2 cutting off the track to early on an unmapped little path, ~30s on 3 (poor direction), 1.30 on 6 (chest high bracken on that whole slope and I hadn't picked up the spur to the south of the control so got put off when i saw it) ~30s on 8 (terrain was shit through the valley then missed in the circle, should have went round to the north).
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CompassSport Cup Final (20.10.2013) CompassSport Cup Final (20.10.2013)