GOF natt cup 2 (2013-10-16)
Kategooria: Competition
Kaart/piirkond: Ruddalen
Korraldaja: GMOK
Riik: Sweden
Ala: Night
Distants: 6.43 km
Aeg: 58:40
Keskmine pulss: 149
Maksimaalne pulss: 175
Took longer doing my warm up than I thought and I was later for my start by 30 seconds. I underestimated both the area and how much missing my start affects you. I had decided to focus on a good compass bearings when I needed them and taking 10-15 seconds to invest time in planning at each control. However missing my start blew this out the water and I am not in a place to recover from that quickly and my whole race was a bit sloppy and though I did make plans I didn't take time to make them (you'll see the difference from the Friday map when I went and reran the course in a much calmer state of mind) so they weren't such good route choices or as full as I wanted! Also my compass bearings didn't get a look in, I underestimated how buhy the forest would be and panicked because I couldn't see as far as I expected so I couldn't look ahead to pick a good line on my compass. Was a bit disappointed with myself I was just never quite on it or focussed right even though it felt like I was constantly doing something, I kept missing path junctions or hills or controls.
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GOF natt cup 2  (2013-10-16) GOF natt cup 2  (2013-10-16)