Smålandskavlen (2013-10-27)
Kategooria: Competition
Kaart/piirkond: Gunnarsö
Korraldaja: SOK Viljan
Riik: Sweden
Ala: Relay
Vahetus: 2
Lost most of my time on the first two controls.
Two minutes on one; that was route choice think the bit between the paintball pitch and meeting the path next to the marsh was slower than staying west by the houses or east along the road then south near the leg 7-6 there is actually OOB not on this map where the houses are on that road.
Then 2 was silly I did not execute the route I planned. I had planned to go more east, round the end of the open up the reentrant over the flat, don by the crag and compass across the green to the control. I ended up further west and instead of correcting when I got to the track I continued and then when I got nearer the control I wasnät confident I slowed down but not enough and then I hit the green couldn't see anything to guide me and when I came out the otherside it took a while to relocate.
I can't say I was completely in control on the rest of the course but I put my trust in my compass a bit more, stripping down the plans a little but having to correct a little - for example I drifted a little in the marsh to 6. On 4 I was glad compass is in my routine, I made my plan headed out of the control after 5 m thought ahhh haven't checked compass, checked and I was headed towards the wrong hill, adjusted and got back on route!
Enjoyed the race, it was hard; it was fast and unrelentless but shows where I need to get better less time faffing around controls (not just 2 faffed at did a little loop into one, was on top of 6 for 15 secs and didn't realise and just needed to go a bit further on 7 before hesitating looking up and seeing it) need to choose the fastest route choice and get a bit faster in terrain.
Odd relay didn't see anyone else on my course but still had someone to had over to!
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Smålandskavlen (2013-10-27) Smålandskavlen (2013-10-27)