ESOC Edinburgh Weekend inc. Scottish Uni Champs (2013-11-09)
Kategooria: Competition
Kaart/piirkond: Edinburgh Oxgangs
Distants: 11.54 km
Aeg: 48:42
Keskmine pulss: 160
Maksimaalne pulss: 178
Nice to explore a new part of Edinburgh. Very contrasting switching between £2m+ mansions and £40k council flats. Pretty clean run with no major mistakes, just the usual indecisiveness about which was the best route. Interestingly I was in 2nd place at #18 and until #25, but ended up 5th. Legs were sore by the end.
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ESOC Edinburgh Weekend inc. Scottish Uni Champs  (2013-11-09) ESOC Edinburgh Weekend inc. Scottish Uni Champs  (2013-11-09)