ScotJOS Sprint - Wrong gaffle but same controls visited (13-04-2014)
Catégorie: Competition
Carte/région: Lossiemouth
Pays: Scotland
Discipline: Sprint
Distance: 3.92 km
Temps: 15:55
A bit of a cold made this pretty tough. Started with Matt and Andrew, with Daniel, Alex and Tam all chasing one minute behind. The pressure got to me and I didn't really plan the route to 2. As a result I wasted 15-20s taking the terrible route through the finish.... Head got back in the game and I was racing Matt through the next loop. Didn't notice the open before 4 so took the slightly slower route. Got away through 6, 7, 8 and 9, although a bit of a scrappy route on 8. Got into the forest which was pretty fast (a bit slippery in road shoes though) and it was all down to bearings. A few bananas but no real time loss. Decked it towards 15 which is why it was slow. Sped up through the last few and finished well. Won the race because Daniel messed up pretty massively but didn't feel very fast with the head cold. A good boost before the JK though. Thanks to Charlotte W by the way, who I nicked the map image from.
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ScotJOS Sprint - Wrong gaffle but same controls visited (13-04-2014) ScotJOS Sprint - Wrong gaffle but same controls visited (13-04-2014)