First ever sprint relay in Scotland (part 2) (2014-01-19)
Típus: Competition
Térkép/terület: Perth College
Rendező: FVA/TAY
Ország: Scotland
Versenyforma: Sprint Relay
Váltó pálya: 2
Táv: 1.79 km
Idő: 7:09
Part 2 map. It was "mixed" in that my team had three M16s who all ran really well to bring home the win. I think there could be a good future in this since everyone can run the same race. Maybe need some rules like 25manna on who can run each leg (while keeping it fairly relaxed and open).
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First ever sprint relay in Scotland (part 2) (2014-01-19) First ever sprint relay in Scotland (part 2) (2014-01-19)