Scottish 6 Days, day 1 (2017-07-30)
Típus: Competition
Térkép/terület: Glen Tannar
Rendező: S6D
Ország: Scotland
Versenyforma: Long
Táv: 12.14 km
Idő: 77:14
Átlag pulzus: 183
Maximális pulzus: 191
1) Good, had planned a similar leg, so knew I wanted to contour through the green, nice obvious crag just before it
2) Good, pure compass, small hesitation about 5m before, as there was more rock than I expected
3) OK, good start, confused by rides coming off the track, got put back online by the control on the boulder
4) Good, great leg, curved round slightly low, picked off obvious reentrants
5) Good, pretty straight onto the spur, then up unmapped path
6) OK, either map or control is wrong, control was on a tiny crag, massive one in seemingly the right place before it
7) Poor, probably due to starting too low from wrong 6, but got confused with what 'north' meant, so ran all the way round, in a long way
8) Bad route-choice, OK execution, had planned similar legs, and though round would be OK, but the undergrowth was much larger than mapped, and the straight option had a path the whole way. MTFU.
9) OK, was aware that I didn't know where I was going, had to relocate off boulder and knoll just before mine. Control description was wrong, and control was just in reentrant anyway
10) Good, chasing down Elkington, used compass, and read contours at the end, control also slightly misplaced
11) OK, spent most of the leg not knowing where I was
12) Good, had to nav down the slope
13) Good, eased off on entry until I could see the control
14) Good, but tough, very hesitant on approach, hard to judge distance as it was so slow
15) Good, used tower as AP
16) Bad RC, didn't plan in advance, made a snap decision, execution fine.
17) OK, hesitation half way
18) Good
19) OK, very thick vegetation at the end
20) Good
21) Good
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Scottish 6 Days, day 1 (2017-07-30) Scottish 6 Days, day 1 (2017-07-30)