Harvester Training (24-06-2017)
Categoria: Training
Mapa/Área: Great Tower
Organisação: DRONGO
País: England, UK
Distância: 3.85 km
Tempo: 32:47
Pulsação média: 150
Pulsação máxima: 165
1) Good, on compass and then into the control
2) Poor, couldn't decide about straight or path, decided for straight as it was training, nice on-line trough the crags and to the big hill, but got pushed off line in last reentrant that was a big minging, got onto rocky ridge, but paralleled to the right, took a bit to work out.
3) Bad, bad a good attack, but bad direction, big crag wasn't so obvious.
4) Good, safe path option, in after the stream, could see control quite early
5) OK, on compass over spur straight into a scout camp, suddenly felt a lot of pressure, hesitation, look around, and then in
6) Good, pretty straight forward up the natural line
7) Good, same us six, up the natural line, used green and in
8) Good, compass onto the ridge, good picture
9) Good, managed to find a wee track, a bit off line in the marsh as veg was so high, then forced myself back online
10) OK, round option, bit didn't quite curve back enough after crags, so hesitate before going in
11) Good, on compass, through the col, micro RC to avoid fallen tree, then back online
12) OK, online, but big hesitation on top of spur, looking too far left, lots of veg so hard to see shapes, bit worked it out
13) Good, up onto hill, saw my knoll as soon as I summited, felt good.
14) Good, nice line on compass, big rocks, simple
15) Good, on compass until I could see it
16) Good, out to path, simply
17) OK, ended up more left than wanted, but just used path to get round marsh then in
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Harvester Training (24-06-2017) Harvester Training (24-06-2017)