Jukola 2023 Leg 7 (18-06-2023)
Categoria: Competition
Mapa/Área: Epoo/Ebbo
País: Finland
Percurso de estafeta: 7
Distância: 17.01 km
Tempo: 141:17
Pulsação média: 138
Pulsação máxima: 166
Navigating was pretty spot in except for 1 <1min mistake at #2 and a couple of smaller ones in and around the circle. Route choice wasn't always what others had done, as I was playing it safe & being cautious. I spent about 75% of the course running on my own. Wasn't going that quick but was clean. Steadily got more and more tired after 90mins but my mispunch (at #32) 3 controls from the end was inexcusable. Sorry team.
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Jukola 2023 Leg 7 (18-06-2023)