DM Medel (2013-09-08)
Kategori: Competition
Karta/område: Basås
Arrangör: Sjövalla
Land: Sweden
Distans: Middle
Sträcka: 4.83 km
Tid: 39:24
Genomsnittlig puls: 159
Maxpuls: 176
Not my best result ever I was knocked out the day before with a cold and really wasn't over it so I took today very slowly.
Actually turned out to be a very positive run as in I saw exactly what I wanted to and finding the controls was easy. It gave me time to plan. Having said that I didn't always make the most of the opportunity to plan and choose what I thought I would see. It was a revelation to know that on controls that looked hard if I said I'd see the boulder on the way in and I'd see the feature from there then I'd see the boulder and find the control!

My analysis shows that legs without a plan or bad direction generally don't go so well. It means I don't know what I'll see or what the control circle will look like.
Practise taking opportunities to plan, being confident with compass in the green.
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DM Medel (2013-09-08) DM Medel (2013-09-08)