MCO Long (26/02/2014)
Category: Competition
Map/area: Quinta da Estrada
Country: Portugal
Discipline: Long
good run. a few small mistakes, lost time between 6 & 10. climbed too high on 6, hesitated in the circle at 7, poor route out of 7 and into 8, knackered on the hill up to 9 & 10. faffed abit on 18. quality terrain, and felt pretty strong right until the last couple of legs.
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LARD : Great to see you took Olav's rather than Thierry's route to into 5 - quicker I believe...
More direct to 12?
Great to hear you had the endurance to push well towards the end, this doesn't look that runnable so the time in Gothenberg terrains is paying off. Nice work Doug! Exits.....
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MCO Long (26/02/2014)