Hallandspremiare (09/03/2014)
Category: Competition
Map/area: Skogaby
Distance: 11.7 km
Time: 65:34
Quite a tough, scrappy area. felt like I was fighting against the forest for alot of it. almost went 2-4 (thought no.3 was no.17) and also started to navigate 7-9 but caught myself quickly in both cases. some small misses in the circle later on.
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Lard : Nice work Doug, it looks really scrappy/crappy area and you took some really good routes. What was optimal at 13? Path through green and round the track? Not sure south and tracking it would have been quicker - too far off line... A good win on a tough course.
Doug: South could have been optimal, Johan Strand ran the fastest leg time going that way. He's a fast guy,and i reckon he would have done a similar time on north route.
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Hallandspremiare (09/03/2014)