Month: May 2017

SOA Development Summit

Junior Pathway

– Club-based coaching is crucial. Continue recruiting & training as many quality club coaches as possible.

– Club coaches cooperate either in Area training or in informal local “clusters” – SOA to coordinate and encourage this to provide the missing step between club and ScotJOS.

– SOA should recognise ‘development’ as well as ‘talent’. Performance orienteering only one possible pathway amongst many others. Provide formal recognition of different types of development – e.g volunteering, event organisation, planning, SOA Star Awards.

– SOA to research possibility of a non-selective orienteering camp.


Junior Competition Structure

– Develop Jamie Stevenson Trophy to include longer courses, MW20 classes, plus some form of novice class to allow fairer scoring for newcomers. SOA to adopt this fixture and ensure it is rotated between clubs.

– SOA to recruit Competitions Convener, who will lead working group (including Junior reps) to review SOA calendar, particularly looking at an Autumn – Autumn SOL / SOUL season rather than Jan – Dec, and a cleaner calendar with no double-counting / piggybacking competitions.

– Explore representation at JIRCs as two regions – Scotland North & Scotland South, whilst retaining 3 separate regions for purposes of JIAs.


Schools Orienteering

– Some clubs have succeeded in recruiting active new family members through schools orienteering activity. Share these success stories throughout SOA to spread good practice.

– SOA to liaise with SSOA to help organise SSOF, particularly advertising orienteering within schools that haven’t been before, and doing follow-up work to link schools with their local club.

– Send schools packs out to clubs for WOD2017.  From 2018, distribute directly to schools as part of SSOF support. Ensure schools use official WOD platform to register their events.



– New SOA website to give clear info on School Orienteering Pathway (including all local schools leagues / festivals) & Junior Development Pathway.