Month: October 2017

New SOA-only membership option for 2018

For the 2018 new membership year, from 1st November 2017, we’ll be offering an additional membership option to new and existing members. As well as the new option meeting the needs of our members, our funding from sportscotland is based on member numbers so it is a valuable aid to growing our membership and further developing orienteering in Scotland.

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Junior Inter Areas Competition 2017

The Junior Inter Area competition is an annual competition where the 3 areas in Scotland (North, West and East) compete during a relay and individual event to see which area will come out on top. This year the relays were hosted at Dechmont Law alongside the Scottish Orienteering Urban League event and the individual at Drummond Hill using the final Scottish Orienteering League event of the year. Congratulations to the North Area who are this year’s Junior Inter Area Champions! Read More…

Scottish Orienteering League 6 – Forvie

The penultimate Scottish Orienteering League (SOL) event of 2017 was staged by Grampian Orienteers whose website is sub-titled “Take a Run on the Wild Side.”  Forvie National Nature Reserve certainly lived up to this billing – in the pre-event information Gramp stated “It’s windswept, it’s wild, it’s wonderful (in our not-so-humble opinion but we’re sure you’ll agree)”.  Hurricane Ophelia was somewhere out to the west but still the wind forced the download team and their computers into the back of a van and there was some concern that the controls would be taking off into the North Sea. Read More…

Junior Home Internationals 2017 – Mid Wales

The Junior Home Internationals for 14,16 and 18-year olds were held in Mid-Wales over the weekend 7th and 8th October.  Despite winning runs including M16 (Matthew Gooch), W14 (Rachel Brown) and W16 (Eilidh Campbell) and other excellent Scottish results England pulled ahead with 80 to Scotland’s 73 points in the Individual competition.  Epic last leg runs from Emma Wilson (girls) and James Ackland (boys) brought Scottish teams home first in BOTH relays and gave us the relay trophy by 4 points (just not quite enough to overturn the 7 point deficit from the individual). Read More…

STAG’s 35th Anniversary Event, Grandtully

Congratulations go to Terry O’Brien and his helpers for staging the inaugural event at Grandtully and celebrating the 35th Anniversary of the club.  In 2016 the club was awarded a small contribution from the SOA Club Development Fund to kickstart the mapping of this new area.  Terry had been eyeing up Grandtully (and measuring the size of boulders) for 20 years and it was great for the area to be used and support the different levels of technical difficulty.  Read More…

World Cup Final – Grindelwald Switzerland

Following 3 rounds of 8 individual and 4 team races (Finland, WOC in Estonia, Latvia) earlier in the year; the final 4th round of 3 races was held over the weekend (29th September – 1st October) in Grindelwald Switzerland. Set against the stunning backdrop of the Eiger and surrounding Alps this round certainly did not lack breathe-taking views. More information and results can be found here: Read More…