Month: August 2018

Orienteering for mountaineers

The SOA’s Regional Development Officer North, Sarah Dunn, has written a fantastic article on practising navigation before the winter sets in for Mountaineering Scotland’s magazine Scottish Mountaineer. Suitable for hikers, mountaineers and orienteers, the article (below) includes tips and exercises for self-coaching in a safe and accessible environment.

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The Adventure Show – Sunday 19th August 2018

The Adventure Show was screened on Sunday 19th August on BBC2 Scotland, FreeSat and Sky. The programme is now available on iPlayer. Highlight of the show and main feature is the British Orienteering Championships staged at Balmoral. Watch our top orienteers (and others) in action in this stunning location. Read More…

Proudly Launching Scottish Orienteering Young Leader

The one-day course is for young people aged 14-17 who want to assist qualified coaches or teachers in providing orienteering within a school, youth organisation or club environment.

The purpose of the training is to give you the skills and awareness to assist a suitably qualified adult working in a safe, enclosed area such as a school, outdoor centre, park or small wood.

The course is highly practical, there is no assessment and you will receive a set of printable resources which you can adapt and use as often as you wish.

As this is the first offering of the course, you will also receive a special T-shirt along with your certificate on completion of the course.

The course will start at 10:00 and finish at 16:00, lunch will be provided, and there will be no charge for attendance or for any of the items you receive during the course.

Places are strictly limited so please book online to avoid disappointment.

Closing date for bookings is 16 September 2018.


We would like to thank the Orienteering Foundation for their support in launching the Scottish Orienteering Young Leader (SOYL).