Month: June 2020

SOA routemap for the reactivation of orienteering in Scotland

Scottish Orienteering as the Governing Body for Orienteering in Scotland has a mandate to ensure the sport is run in a safe and inclusive way. During this worldwide pandemic, Scottish Orienteering are required to submit phase by phase plans on their ‘permitted activities’ to sportscotland for approval prior to publication by the Scottish Government to ensure that all sports are compliant with the restrictions outlined in the Scottish Government COVID-19 Routemap and with guidelines published on a regular basis. It is for this reason that activities permitted in Scotland may vary to those in other home nations. We will do our best to ensure members and clubs are updated as soon as we are given permission to our permitted activities on a phase by phase basis. 

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Jamie Stevenson Alternative

Recognising and celebrating our juniors!

Photo call , map challenge and more, with a focus on juniors.

  1. Send in photos/memories now
  2. Participate in a Map Challenge starting 7th June
  3. Attend a virtual Prize Giving 14th June
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