Month: October 2020

ScotJOS 2020/2021

Congratulations to all who have been selected to join the Scottish Junior Orienteering Squad (ScotJOS) for 2020/21.

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Scottish Women and Girls in Sport Week 2020

Today, as part of Women and Girls in Sport week, the spotlight is being thrown on Heidi Ross and Marie Bernards, club captain and lead coach for Aberdeen University Orienteering Club.

Against all the odds, Aberdeen University Orienteering Club is going from strength to strength despite all the current restrictions on activities imposed by Covid-19. The club is being led this year by two inspiring girls, Heidi Ross (pictured right) and Marie Bernards (left), who’s enthusiasm and can-do attitude is bubbling over to inspire others. RDO North, Sarah Dunn, caught up with Heidi and Marie to find out more about their involvement in orienteering and love of sport.

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New ROMP at Glenmore

A seasonal ROMP has been set up at Glenmore Lodge and is available to individuals and families operating within current Covid-19 guidelines and restrictions announced by the First Minister. 

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Guidelines published on local restrictions

Following consultation with sportscotland we have been given permission to continue with our existing guidelines that allow local/regional events, club and coaching activities. However, we ask ALL members to comply with Scottish Government guidelines with particular note of local health board areas which have further restrictions over the next two weeks.

ALL members please note: Travel to or from an area with Scottish Government local measures or restrictions in place to undertake sport or physical activity should where possible be avoided

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Updated guidance is being worked on

We are currently reviewing our guidance on club activities and events in light of the First Minister’s announcement today. We appreciate clubs have events planned this weekend and are currently working with sportscotland to issue appropriate guidance as soon as possible. Please be patient as we seek clarification on what the new restrictions mean for orienteering, with specific focus on the local authority areas highlighted in the First Minister’s announcement.

EGM Minutes Are Published

Thank you to all the members who attended our EGM on 25th September and to those who submitted proxy votes ahead of the meeting. We welcome to the Board as Directors, Tim O’Donoghue, Ade Chapman and Bridget Khursheed. While we extend our thanks to Anne Hickling continuing as Development Director and Richard Oxlade as President.

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