Month: April 2021

Calling all club coaches!

Star Award CPD Workshop for Coaches – Thu 6th May 2021, 7pm

We have recently revamped the Scottish Orienteering Star Award scheme and would like to see much wider use of it by club coaches as a personal performance award scheme to help motivate young people to develop and progress their orienteering skills. We believe that the award could provide a great mechanism to help lead youngsters from participation in school or youth groups towards their local club.

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Scottish Orienteering support to clubs to restart the sport

***** Still Time to Apply*****

Please contact Sarah with any expressions of interest or to discuss ideas by 30th June at the latest

Funding available to support club development, restart of activities and paid coaching opportunity

In anticipation of widening opportunities to organise and participate in orienteering once again, we would like to invite clubs to apply for funding that will help support them with this. Two funding streams are now open for applications as follows

  • Restart Development Fund
  • Restart Coaching Support Fund 2021

The deadline for applications to both funds is 30th June 2021.

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Level 3 Restrictions Guidance

We are truly delighted to be able to publish Level 3 guidance for orienteering events and activities which sees travel restrictions on mainland Scotland removed and the resumption of local and regional events up to 200 people as of April 26th. Go forth and orienteer!

We are continuing dialogue with sportscotland and will publish guidance on event sizes permitted at Level 2,1 and 0 once we have further details.

Scottish Orienteering Guidance L3 April 2021

Half Price Membership

As part of our support to restart the sport, the SOA Board of Directors last week approved that those joining or renewing their SOA membership as of the 1st May will do so at half price. We hope this will provide some incentive for new families and individuals to join, especially those that have recently started orienteering or those who have sampled it through MapRun activities. The price of adult membership will be £5 and Juniors £1 from 1st May (their membership will run until 31st December 2021). Sign up is easy online here

SOA re-launches Code of Conduct

As part of restarting our sport the SOA Board of Directors felt it imperative that as we emerge from lockdown we also consider our key values as part of our Mapping The Way Forward strategy including Respectful, Welcoming and Inclusive. As we look forward to resuming events and club activities it also crucial for us to ensure volunteers and participants all have a positive experience. We collectively, and as individuals must recognise that we create the culture within the sport. Today we re-launch our SOA Code of Conduct, we hope clubs will share this with their members and event participants. Thank you to Tim O’Donoghue who has worked to help us re-work this document.

SOA Code of Conduct

Exciting opportunities to work in orienteering

Not one but two paid development roles are now being advertised in Scotland. Both are part time positions, one working regionally for SOA and the other at a club level with Forth Valley Orienteers. Take a look at the role outlines below and get your applications in while the opportunities are available. A great chance to shape and develop the sport.

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Out now April Score

Reset and get back into action with our latest issue. Available now on our website.

Read on for more and how to download.

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Scottish Orienteering Star Award Scheme

Scottish Orienteering’s Star Award Scheme is a personal performance award scheme aimed at encouraging and recognising skills development rather than event results. The L1 award can be delivered in a school or after-school setting, as well as by clubs, and can offer a great mechanism to help lead youngsters from participation at school towards their local club.

We have recently revamped the award to update the content and have developed a set of eye-catching resources for use by coaches, teachers and youth leaders. To help coaches understand the award and how they can deliver it we are organising a workshop for Thu 6th May at 7pm.

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A Tribute to Martin Hyman

MARTIN HYMAN 1933 – 2021

SOA would like to join with others in expressing our sadness at the death of Martin Hyman.  He contributed so much over many years to the development of runners and orienteers at all levels, as well as having been an outstanding Olympic athlete in his younger days.

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