Month: May 2021

Scottish 6 Days Lochaber 2021 Update

A note from the Scottish 6 Days Chair, Dave Kerhsaw, on the decisions being made around Lochaber 2021.

We have some positive news to announce – the Scottish Government has confirmed that outdoor events such as Lochaber 2021 can go ahead though, unsurprisingly, there are conditions to be met which may not be in place in time for the event to take place.

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Scottish Junior Cup Auchingarrich Results

What a fabulous day for the first round of the Scottish Junior Cup at Auchingarrich yesterday! Well done to all the juniors especially and I hope everyone else enjoyed a run out on the Open classes.

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4 new exciting roles available with SOA through Kickstart funding

The Kickstart scheme, developed by UK Government, provides funding for employers to create job placements for young adults 16-24 on Universal Credit – if this is you or you’re a student aged 18 or about to turn 18 this could be your route into employment. We are seeking individuals who are passionate about sport, developing pathways and partnerships and are willing to work as part of our team. We have funding in place for an immediate start for 6 month contract in the following roles:

  • 3 Club Support Officers
  • 1 Media and Communications Officer
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SOA Funding Support to Clubs

There have been some great development ideas put forward by clubs to the SOA Development Fund and Restart Coaching Support Fund and we are delighted to be helping clubs to move a number of these projects forward. Further funding is still available and we would like to encourage other clubs to consider how they could benefit from putting together some similar project plans. Applications will therefore still be welcomed to both the SOA Development Fund and Restart Coaching Support Fund 2021 up until 30th June 2021.

Don’t forget also that the Orienteering Foundation also has funds available to support orienteering and there is a portion of this which is ring-fenced for Scottish applications, especially where it can be used towards supporting the “developing orienteer” i.e. youth and young adults up to around 25 years old.

Please contact for further information or to discuss or submit proposals.

Below is an overview of the projects that SOA funding has supported so far this year:

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Score photo competition 2021 enter now

Are you a keen photographer? Or do you love getting action shots? or the details that make a local event so special. We are looking for your orienteering photos of any aspect of our sport – action, event, club social, podium or humorous.  Hungry to compete! Glory* and publication awaits!

*One of the photos highly commended last year won CompassSport cover of the year 2020!

STOP PRESS: deadline now extended!

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Updated Event And Coaching Risk Assessment Template

The SOA would like to thank Tim O’Donoghue (SOLWAY) for all this work to provide simplified and usable risk assessment templates. As guidance continues to evolve and local authorities more between different levels it has been necessary to put in place risk assessments to reflect the different restrictions at each level. We hope these are of help to clubs and coaches. Should you have any feedback on the risk assessments please contact

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Entries Live for First Scottish Junior Cup Race!


Entries are now open for the Scottish Junior Cup race to be held at Auchingarrich, Perthshire, on Sun May 30th 2021. Entries are now available on the Open classes for all SOA members. If there are any places remaining on Saturday 22nd May then these will be made available to any non SOA members.

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Support for coaches: First Aid Training Course aimed at North Area Clubs – 14 and 16 June, partially funded by SOA

As part of our commitment to restarting the sport and supporting coaches, we have organised a partially funded First Aid course for coaches. Due to corona virus, the usually 1 day course will take place by blended learning in 3 parts with self-guided online learning, part tutor led online learning (14 June) and then face to face assessment in Nairn (16 June) The qualification obtained will be Emergency First Aid at Work certificate.

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