Month: June 2021

Levels Changes Across Scotland

As of Saturday 5th June some Local Authority areas move to level 1, some remain in Level 2 and Glasgow move to Level 2. This remains a step in a positive direction and means that all members can now travel across Local Authority boundaries. We ask all members to please check and be aware of the guidance for where you live but also for any area you are planning to travel to.

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Craig a Barns confirmed as Scottish Championships

Given the First Minister’s statement earlier this week which sees all areas of Scotland move into level 2 or below, we can now confirm that next weeks event at Craig a Barns will be classified as Scottish Championships and there are medals and titles to be won! We recognise that local authority levels changes can occur at any time, we hope this is not the case in the coming week however the decision to go ahead with Scottish Championships has now been taken. The SOA would like to thank the volunteers who have worked tirelessly behind the scenes to prepare for our largest scale event in some time under much uncertainty, our appreciation to Margaret, Jayne, Roger and Sarah in particular.

All event details can be found:

Valuing our Volunteers

As part of our celebrations of Volunteer Week in 2021, we want to say a BIG thank you to our SOA Board of Directors. They have kept us on track and focused throughout lockdown and provided valued expertise as we emerge as a sport to capitalise on new opportunities, partnerships and ensure our focus remains on supporting our clubs and coordinating a balanced and high quality events calendar. We really do appreciate your contribution and continued commitment to Scottish Orienteering.

After-school Activity in Lochaber

With a gradual easing of Covid restrictions it has been fantastic to be able to help get a series of after-school orienteering sessions up and running in Fort William this term. The sessions have been organised by Fort William Active Schools Co-ordinator, Bridget Thomas, together with Iain Murray, and have enabled a first taster of the sport to be delivered to some 27 youngsters, ahead of the planned Scottish 6-Day event this summer.

The sessions have been based at Kilmallie Community Centre using one of a set of new maps, which have been specially produced to support development work in Lochaber, and co-funded by the Orienteering Foundation and SOA. The Kilmallie map offers a great space to learn the basic orienteering skills in a compact and safe setting. Here’s hoping we might see some of these smiling faces at the 6-day event in a couple of months’ time!