Month: October 2021

Where have they all gone?

Recently I posted about the trophy below. This shows past winners from students at Glasgow, St. Andrews, Heriot Watt and Aberdeen Universities as well as Edinburgh. Only Edinburgh has a strong club today and Aberdeen also has a presence but beyond that, there is little university orienteering action in Scotland.

Where have they all gone? What has changed? Can we turn this around?

Join in the conversation on keeping young people engaged Monday 1st Nov 7pm. Sign up here

Where have they gone?
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‘Sports for Climate Action’ at COP26

The Scottish Government is delivering an event titled ‘Sports for Climate Action’ at COP26, on Monday 1st November from 10:10 – 11:00. We wanted to share details of the event and a link to watch live.

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Invitation to Tender

Scottish Orienteering Level 2 Coaching Course

Scottish Orienteering Association (SOA) is seeking tender applications for the completion of the Level 2 Coaching course, formally known as the UKCC Level 2, to the fully accredited SQCA Level 2 Coaching course.

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Veteran Home Internationals Rescheduled

The Veteran Home International competition will now take place in SE England on 4/5th Dec. Scotland would like to send a full team to this and team manager, Janice Nisbet, would now like to hear from anyone interested in selection for the team.

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Keeping Young People Engaged

Scottish Orienteering are pleased to announce the next Community Conversation,

‘Keeping Young People Engaged’

This will take place over Zoom on Monday 1st November from 7.00 -8.30pm. 

The call is open to anyone aged 15 – 25 who is currently affiliated to SOA, or anyone in that age bracket who has affiliated in the past but is not currently a member of an orienteering club. We also encourage clubs to send one representative so that we can understand the role of the club in supporting young people to stay involved and how SOA can in turn support clubs.

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Men’s Open, Women’s Open and young Junior relays: Scottish Championships 2021

We are delighted that, in the absence of a full Scottish Relay Championship being staged for 2021, we have agreed with Forth Valley Orienteers that their existing open relay event in the Stirling area on Saturday 13th November will be used to contest the Men’s Open and Women’s Open classes. These two relay races will now also see the relevant British Championship titles awarded, so should provide exciting racing!

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