Month: August 2022

Young Leaders

Have fun, learn new skills and contribute to the life of your club!

Having put it on hold through the pandemic, we decided it was time to update and restart our Young Leaders programme. Juniors can mix and match modules depending on their own areas of interest. Training will be provided free of charge by the SOA and juniors will be mentored in clubs.

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Celebrating a big year for STAG and the success of Glasgow Parks Orienteering Championships

 STAG’s 23rd Glasgow Parks Orienteering Championships (3Parks in 1 day) was held in the south-west of our City on Sunday 21st August 2022 with around 90 competitors from near and far.

This event was born out of The Park World Tour Race in Kelvingrove Park in June 1999 as a vehicle to encourage orienteers to experience the joys of orienteering offered by our Dear Green Place and has proved successful but there is still room for many more to participate/compete as they desire. Orienteers from France, Germany and Norway have combined a visit to Glasgow with competing at our unique GPC.

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Does your sports club hold any property “in trust”?

Club secretaries will recently have received an email from British Orienteering to outline new anti-money laundering leglisation which may impact clubs. Our partners at Harper MacLeod have put together a helpful guide and further details. We urge all clubs to read and consider if this applies to them because action in the form of registration may be required by 1st September.

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Parents welcome too….

This years Inter-areas competition for Juniors is fast approaching. We would love to see more parents join us on 3rd/4th September at Pitlochry. There are a number of twin rooms available in the hostels so why not team up with some other parents from your club and come and support the Juniors. You get to run too.

Parents come and join us there…in Pitlochry…3rd September.

Contact your area co-ordinators for more information. For the North Sue Barrie MAROC/James Laird INVOC; East Claire Ward INT/ Katherine Ivory ESOC and West Roger and Dawn Goddard FVO or speak to someone in your club. Entries close THIS SUNDAY. Enter via this link – wide range of colour coded courses in a great area at Grandtully near Pitlochry. For more information on the Inter-areas competition check out this link.

Controllers/ Planners CPD Event planned for JHI / SOL6 / Middle Distance weekend – 8th October 2022

Following on from the updating of the list of SOA active controllers – which can be found at Club Toolkit – SOA list of qualified event controllers – the operations team at SOA have organised an event for controllers and planners.

The aim of the event is for controllers or planners to have an opportunity to come together and discuss controller’s conundrums.  The focus will be on 2 or 3 real incidents which have taken place in the last year and discuss what actions could have been taken to avoid the incident occurring.  The opportunity will be given to the controllers/ planners to raise other issues.

The lounge at Boat of Garten Community Hall has been booked for Saturday 8th October between 4pm and 6pm.  The event is timed to allow everyone to compete at the Interlopers Middle Distance event at Loch Vaa before the event and there will be refreshments and cake!  We look forward to seeing you there.

Help your club develop – become a coach!

A personal testament by Matthew Clark of KFO

I signed up to learn about coaching to help my local club, Kingdom of Fife Orienteers, to assist newcomers at events. Nothing more than that was intended.

I started with Coaching Foundation which covers how different people learn new skills, and the sort of things involved in coaching.

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