Month: May 2024

Reaching out to families in Dundee

Over the past few weeks Scottish Orienteering has been busy in Dundee. With the support of coach Matthew Clark (KFO) and volunteers from Tayside Orienteering Club (TAY) we have been running a series of family coaching sessions at Balgay Park, Dundee. 

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Focus on Club Accreditation

The SOA runs an Accreditation scheme that allows clubs to be recognised for their achievements. Post COVID, the scheme was put on the back foot to allow clubs to get back on their feet and get back to some form of normality. We are now keen to refocus clubs towards the scheme which comes with many benefits.

At the recent Scottish Championship weekend, two of our clubs were presented with accreditation awards after fulfilling the criteria at the beginning of the year. INVOC are now on the ladder, achieving the Bronze level award, whilst Moravian have progressed to Silver level – congratulations to both!

INVOC are presented with their Bronze Accreditation award by the SOA President at the Scottish Championships 2024
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Scotland well represented in the GB teams this summer

A large number of Scottish (and Scotland-based) athletes have been selected for various international competitions this summer, and with the World Championships team yet to be selected, there are likely to be more. This is a testament to the excellent orienteering and coaching available to athletes in Scotland.

The World University Orienteering Championships will take place in Bulgaria in August, with a team heavily dominated by Edinburgh University athletes – Rachel Brown EUOC, Fiona Bunn EUOC, Eilidh Campbell EUOC, Isobel Howard EUOC, Niamh Hunter EUOC, Jim Bailey EUOC, David Bunn EUOC, Euan Tryner EUOC – and also several other alumni and native Scots – Peter Molloy FVO, Freddie Carcas INT, and Eddie Narbett INT.

L to R Isobel Howard, Euan Tryner, Rachel Brown, David Bunn, Fiona Bunn, Jim Bailey and Eilidh Campbell Photo Credit: University of Edinburgh
L to R Peter Molloy, Freddie Carcas and Eddie Narbett Photo Credit: Robert Lines
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Volunteer Week 3- 9 June 2024

Volunteer week is once more upon us. This is the time of year when we celebrate all our wonderful volunteers without whom the sport would not run (no pun intended). Each day over the period of the 3rd – 9th June we will highlight a volunteer or group nominated by their club who has stood out for their contribution to the sport over this last year.

Dave Robertson – one of last year’s nominated volunteers
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World Masters Mountain Bike Orienteering coming to Scotland in 2026

We are delighted in Scottish Orienteering on behalf of the experienced organising team to announce that the IOF have granted us the honour of holding the World Masters MTBO Championships 2026 planned for 3-7th June. 

We can promise you excellent World Class terrain, courses and maps from beep to beep. Based in Northern Scotland at the floral town of Forres, with phenomenal tourist opportunities nearby. Castles, Distilleries and varied World Championship terrain! What’s not to love? See you there.

Still time to enter for the three race WMS weekend in Scotland near Falkirk on 7-9th June 2024 on

Jamie Stevenson competition visits the Hermitage this year

The 2024 Jamie Stevenson Trophy event is being held at the Hermitage just outside Dunkeld this year on Sunday 16th June. Some may say this will be a huge disappointment to all the Scottish juniors as they will be unable to spend the whole day spoiling their fathers but we all know that peace to indulge in whatever hobby they love best is generally what every father wants!

The club flag parade featuring for the first time the INVOC eagle

The Jamie Stevenson Trophy provides an opportunity for all Scottish junior orienteers to come together and compete for their club whilst also providing another opportunity in the year to meet juniors from other clubs. It is a fun and inclusive day which allows club friendships to blossom and generally everyone ends up hoarse cheering their team mates.

It starts with a traditional parade of each club with their club flag and after the INVOC eagle mascot making an appearance last year we are looking forward to this year’s parade. A mass warm up then takes place lead by the Scottish Junior Orienteering Squad (SCOTJOS) before the orienteering begins. There are spot prizes awarded through the day with the most supportive club award becoming an institution alongside the Jamie Stevenson Trophy itself!

The warm up

The Jamie Stevenson Trophy is organised by and acts as a fundraiser for the Scottish Junior Orienteering Squad (SCOTJOS). Last year the prize was taken by Forth Valley Orienteering (FVO) Juniors again having taken home the trophy in 2022 as well but before that nobody had managed to wrestle it away from Mar Orienteering Club (MAROC) for more years than everyone cares to remember. Who will raise the trophy this year?

Entries will be collated by Clubs and so make sure you tell your Junior Club Captain or Club Coach that you want to be involved in what is sure to be another fun day. Entry forms will be despatched to clubs in the next week.

Last Year’s winners FVO

Nominations open for Tulloch Homes Young Orienteer of the Year

Young people are the future of our sport and we are once again delighted to announce the opening of nominations for the Young Orienteer of the Year award kindly sponsored by Tulloch Homes.  This annual award gives us the chance to recognise and celebrate the considerable contribution to orienteering by young people through their volunteering.

Charlotte Horne & Isla O’Donoghue – last year’s winners receiving the quaich from Richard.
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2024 AGM to be held online on 24th June

We are notifying all members of our intended Annual General Meeting date of Monday 24th June 2024 to be held online.  There will be a proxy vote option for those unable to attend.  We are in the process of putting together the AGM handbook to outline proposals and matters of business however we welcome any proposals from clubs/members that you wish raised at the AGM please contact our chief operating officer Nikki Howard at to outline any proposals or matters of business for consideration.

Scottish Orienteering Logo

We are seeking election of some SOA Board members and request anyone interested in any of the positions to contact or speak to a member of the current Board. All role descriptions can be provided on request. 

Operations Director

Finance Director

Performance Director

Independent Director 

Marketing and Communications Director 

Do you know someone who deserves the President’s medal?

Do you know of someone who has gone above and beyond for the benefit of orienteering? The President’s Medal is handed out annually at the AGM to recognise significant contribution to the sport.

We are aware that there are plenty of people who work tirelessly within their clubs, giving hours of their time to promote the sport, but never seek recognition. We truly welcome all nominations so we ask you to ensure we hear of everyone who deserves recognition.

Anyone or any club/ organisation, other than previous winners, can be nominated even those who has been nominated previously. Nominations should be submitted by Friday 21st June.

Please take 2 minutes to tell us who should be shortlisted for this award by completing this 2024 President’s Medal nomination form

Previous winners include:

2022 Judy Bell (ESOC)

2021 Tim O’Donoghue (SOLWAY)

2020 Janet Clark (ESOC) and Sheila Reynolds (MAROC)

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