SCORE magazine December 2018 issue now available

We  know it is eagerly awaited so here is the December edition of SCORE as an early Christmas present! Paper copies will land on your doormat before the big fella comes down the chimney! Enjoy reading lots of updates and intriguing articles to keep your appetite whetted as the nights turn dark…although we know you love night orienteering!

Thanks for all those who have contributed to the December edition and as always to Sheila for spending countless hours to ensure the magazine is of top quality.

Download SCORE as a PDF or view in your browser

Tips on reading SCORE

You will probably have a better reading experience if you download and save it and then open it in a specific PDF viewer rather than in your web browser. It will also be easier to find and read later.

If you just click/select the link it will depend on how your computer or mobile device is setup as to what will happen.
It might do one of the following:

  1. Open in your web browser and display the SCORE PDF in it like a webpage. You could then right click on it and save it to your own hard disk, or go to the File menu and Save as…
  2. Open whatever application you have on your computer to view PDF documents (Adobe Acrobat is a common one) and read it. You can then save it to your own hard disk.
  3. Download it to your computer into a folder that may have been set by you to place downloads. You then need to go to that folder and double click on it to open it in whatever application you use for viewing PDF’s.

Whether it appears as a single page or two facing pages is usually a setting you can adjust in your PDF viewer.

Would you like to receive future issues of SCORE on paper?

If you’re reading the electronic version, and would prefer a paper copy of SCORE, please contact Administrator at the National Orienteering Centre at Glenmore Lodge. Please state your name, SOA or BOF membership number and address.

By email: By phone: 01479 861374
By post: National Orienteering Centre, Glenmore Lodge, Aviemore PH22 1QZ