Staff Changes at Scottish Orienteering

In recent years, all areas of our work – governance, development, events, education, communications, member services, performance and so on – have been expanding and demanding increasingly specific skills for their delivery. Although we have valuable volunteer contributions in some areas, notably events, performance and coaching, in order to continue to progress in other areas we are reorganising our staff in alignment with our Strategy 2016-2020. The simplest way to illustrate the reorganisation is with this table:

Pre-2016 Staffing 2016 Staffing
Professional Officer (Colin Matheson) Chief Operating Officer (Stefanie Lauer)
National Development Officer (Hilary Quick) Events Manager (Colin Matheson)
Development Officer Moray (Mike Rodgers)* Education Manager (Hilary Quick)
Development Officer Highland (Johannes Petersen)* Regional Development Officer North Scotland*
Development Officer Deeside (Sarah Dunn)* Regional Development Officer South Scotland*
Development Officer Tayside (Mel Nicoll)* Administrative Assistant (Sarah Hobbs)
*Contracts run to Autumn 2016 *To be appointed over Summer 2016

Key points to note are that as of end May 2016 the post of Professional Officer and National Development Officer will no longer exist. Colin Matheson becomes Events Manager and will focus on all aspects of events and development related to events; Hilary Quick becomes Education Manager and will focus on delivering volunteer and coach education and Teaching Orienteering courses.

Stef LauerStefanie Lauer joins us on 30th May as Chief Operating Officer based at the Scottish National Orienteering Centre in charge of all aspects of governance and planning.

Sarah HobbsSarah Hobbs, also based at the Centre, joined us in February to assist Stefanie but in addition focus on communications and member services. Members will have been receiving emails from Sarah already.

Later in the Summer there will be a transition from four development officers dedicated to northern clubs to two Regional Development Officers providing coverage for the whole of Scotland. These two new officers will pursue some SOA priorities but also be in touch with all clubs in due course to explain and offer their services.

Job descriptions and contact details on the Contacts page