Celebrating Volunteers – Day 5 – Solway Orienteers

As we continue celebrating many of the volunteers who make orienteering great throughout Volunteers’ Week, today we’re highlighting volunteers from Solway Orienteers, so thank you to Stuart Graham and Dave McQuillen!

In addition Solway would like to make a special mention to the fantastic team who ran the Individual event on the day for the recent Scottish Championships.  Resources were stretched which meant all helpers on the
day had to deliver – and they did, showing that Solway is a small club with a BIG HEART!

SOLWAY volunteer profiles

Volunteer’s Name:

Stuart Graham

Stuart Graham

How long have they been a club member?

7 years

How do they support the club and orienteering?

Club Captain, active coach, and planner.

What makes them shine as a volunteer?

Stuart has great enthusiasm and willingness to take on tasks and get involved.

Volunteer’s Name:

Dave McQuillen

Dave McQuillen

How long have they been a club member?

30+ years!

How do they support the club and orienteering?

Club Treasurer and computing/SI guru.

What makes them shine as a volunteer?

Enormous dedication to the club, knowledge of the sport and willingness to get work done!

A huge thank you to both of them! We’re profiling volunteers throughout the week and if you want to make sure your club highlights the work of volunteers, please email denise@scottish-orienteering.org.