Celebrating Volunteers – Day 6 – Edinburgh Southern Orienteering Club

Throughout Volunteers’ week we’ve been celebrating many of the volunteers who help arrange fantastic orienteering events across Scotland, and today we’re highlighting volunteers from Edinburgh Southern Orienteering Club, so thank you to Judy Bell and Ewart Scott!

ESOC volunteer profiles

Volunteer’s Name:

Judy Bell
Judy Bell

Judy Bell

How long have they been a club member?

Many years!

How do they support the club and orienteering?

Judy has been a HUGELY important member of ESOC for many years, full of ideas and volunteering in lots of different ways, including organising the club training programme, coaching of juniors both in the club and in schools and being a valuable member of the ESOC Events Sub-committee, advising on our future programme of events.

What makes them shine as a volunteer?

Endless enthusiasm and a fantastic welcoming nature which makes all newcomers to the club feel at home and encourages new volunteers to become part of the “family”.

Volunteer’s Name:

Ewart Scott

Ewart Scott

How long have they been a club member?

50 years!

How do they support the club and orienteering?

Ewart is a long-standing and hugely dedicated member of the club, who recently finished up as ESOC President, and he now remains on the committee as mapping co-ordinator.

What makes them shine as a volunteer?

Ewart has shown huge commitment to ESOC, going to 99% (and nearly 100%!) of all club activities, including events, socials, training, and everything else!

He also takes lead roles as planner and controller of events and is a real team player, helping others and setting a great example. He’s also original and inventive in making the best use of club equipment, and never lost for a solution to a problem of any kind.

A huge thank you to both of them! We’re profiling volunteers throughout the week and if you want to make sure your club highlights the work of volunteers, please email denise@scottish-orienteering.org.