Scottish 6 Days rest day report

With a day off from the competition of the event, orienteers enjoyed days of Sprint Orienteering, TrailO, and many other attractions across Strathearn and beyond. For others it was a case of setting up for the next few days – expect a surprise with the Day 4 race arena.

Sprint Orienteering has become a regular feature of the Scottish 6 Days and we were fortunate to have a small but perfectly formed area (Macrosty Park) in Crieff.  Masterplan Adventure kindly agreed to stage the race – mapped and planned by Graham Gristwood – so some top class courses enjoyed by over 650 competitors.

Many competitors were bewildered by the unexpected control at the side of the Comrie Road.  There was a lot of hunting around in the bushes when the control flag was actually 3 metres above their heads.  Special thanks go to the computer team who put in their volunteer overtime – Will Hensman keeps smiling and despite all his hard work keeps winning his course every day including the Sprint.  Robin Strain was delighted to beat me in the UltraVets class after three days trailing in the forest stages.

The Provost of Perth and Kinross Councillor Dennis Melloy kindly agreed to present prizes and his welcome to orienteers was much appreciated.   A torrential downpour 10 minutes before prizegiving threatened to rain on the parade, a most appropriate idiom in this case.  Thanks to all those prize winners who did show up and I hope you managed to find additional activities from the list above to keep you amused.

– Colin Matheson

P.S. The downpour reached the TrailO at the Drummond Castle gardens just after lunch. Some were lucky enough to time their arrival perfectly and shelter in the entries tent before heading out for the TempO, where queues highlighted how popular the event was. The more peaceful form of orienteering proved to be a challenge for many, with beginners and old hands relishing a chance to tax their brains without needing to stray away from any paths.