Scottish Juniors Win Junior Inter Regional Championships 2019

Scottish Juniors made the long journey south to Doncaster at the weekend for the Junior Inter Regional Champs, with the individual races on a newly mapped area at Cowms Rocks and the relays in Tankersley woods on Sunday.

There were lots of great performances from the Scottish juniors in some really wet, unpleasant, conditions at the individual competition. James Hammond (FVO, M14), Louis MacMillan (ECKO, M18), Rachel Brown (ESOC, W16) and Kirsty Campbell (MAROC, W18) all won their classes. There were second places for Adam Barrie (MAROC, M14), Joel Gooch (MAROC, M16) and Izzy Cox (BASOC, W18) and a third place for Iris MacMillan (ECKO, W14).

Considering the weather, there were a surprising number of youngsters who came back expressing how much they had enjoyed their courses! Unfortunately, one or two people suffered from problems with the map rubbing off and had difficulty in being able to identify which order controls were in, which marred an otherwise well-planned event. The Scots carried over a healthy lead from the individual competition into the relays, ahead of NWOA and YHOA.

The weather conditions didn’t let up for the relays on Sunday. This, together with some tricky well-planned courses, led to almost everyone making mistakes and the lead teams changed throughout both the boys and girls races. In the end, the Scottish girls finished with their first two teams in 2nd and 4th places. An unfortunate mis-punch with one of the top Scottish boys teams meant that they finished in 2nd and 12th places, but this was still good enough for Scotland to take the overall relay win.

This was the 8th year in a row that Scotland have now won the overall title for the Junior Inter Regional Championships. Well done everyone!

Results for the weekend are available here