Courses and graduates update

November and December have been busy months, as we have seen a BIG increase in our coaching team with new Level 1 & 2, Controllers and Tutor Foundation graduates.

Here’s a brief summary:

  • Congratulations to the recent L1 coaching graduates on the Mugdock course, tutored by Jon Musgrave. Sally Clarke, Ben Brown, Katherine Ivory and Katja Neumann-Newey join the coaching team to increase our breadth of active coaches.
  • A Level 2 course run at Mugdock by Lynne Walker in early November saw seven participants from a wide range of clubs. They are currently working on completing the tasks to finalize their qualification.
  • Rob Hickling offered a controllers Level C course in Linlithgow which was successfully attended by seven members.  Donald Grassie will run a northern equivalent 11 January in Roseisle; see the upcoming courses page for details.
  • Nairn community centre hosted a tutor foundation course increasing our graduates to 11 this year. The Tutor Foundation course is aimed to arm members with the skills to deliver IntrO courses. With an increase of skilled instructors, we should see growth in the numbers of teachers and schools introduced to IntrO.  It’s a win-win for growth in the sport.

Congratulations to all and thank you for adding to our coaching and volunteer network, making it even stronger.