December 2019 issue of SCORE is now available!

You can now download the December issue of Scottish Orienteering’s magazine – SCORE – with print copies set to be in the post in the New Year.

This issue of SCORE is packed with many articles on activity from 2019 – and looking forward to 2020 – on the Scottish Orienteering scene, including:

Score magazine December 2019 cover
Score magazine December 2019 cover
  • President’s Piece – an update from SOA president Richard Oxlade, on changes over the past year and the SOA’s strategy towards 2024
  • WOC 2022 – a look at the impact this huge event could have on orienteering in Scotland
  • Performance News – including a national award from SportScotland for INVOC’s Megan Keith
  • News on 2020 Fixtures – from Paul Caban, and news on how you could input into the calendar in future
  • 2019 SOL & SOUL reports – summaries of Scotland’s two national orienteering leagues.
  • Give the gift of Gift Aid to orienteering – how 2 minutes from you could help us raise £10,000

Plus much more in a packed end-of-year issue!

Download the December 2019 issue of SCORE:

Paper copies of SCORE

If you’re a Scottish Orienteering member reading the electronic version and would prefer a paper copy of SCORE, please contact the SOA office stating your name, address, and SOA or BOF membership number.