Meet the Club – Auld Reekie Orienteering Society

Taken from the latest issue of SCORE magazine, you can learn more about AROS, where they started and the plans they have in place for their 10th and EUOC’s 55th anniversaries next year.

Orienteering started at Edinburgh University in 1964 and Edinburgh University Orienteering Club is now the largest British university orienteering club, with over 50 years of graduated alumni.

AROS, the Alumni club for EUOC, takes its name from Auld Reekie, ‘a popular nickname for the City of Edinburgh.’ A new AROS committee of Edinburgh 2019 graduates were elected in September of this year, and they would like to invite all alumni to become members of AROS and join them for the 2020 AROS/EUOC Alumni Weekend!

The committee and the EUOC Alumni Officer, Thomas Wilson, are working together to organise an Alumni weekend on the 18th- 19th April in Edinburgh. Current plans include Saturday orienteering relays on Arthur’s Seat, followed by a black-tie Ball in the evening and a Pentlands run & pub on Sunday. Please get in touch if you have any suggestions to put forward.

AROS welcomes all EUOC graduates to a weekend of orienteering, ceilidh dancing & celebrations in Edinburgh for AROS’s 10th and EUOC’s 55th anniversaries.

Follow updates on becoming an AROS member and the Alumni Weekend on the AROS website:, the Auld Reekie Orienteering Society (AROS) Facebook page, or email  to be added to the AROS mailing list.

AROS Committee: Fay Walsh (Secretary), Alistair Masson (Captain), Will Rigg (Events Organiser) and Madara Brice (Treasurer)

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