Orienteering and the coronavirus in Scotland

The last few days have been challenging for many areas and aspects of society, including sport. At the Scottish Orienteering Association we have been closely following the situation, ahead of us issuing a statement on our website on Friday.

British Orienteering has issued the following guidance for organisers and competitors.

We plan to continue to follow the advice of the UK and Scottish Governments in relation to measures to tackle the spread of the coronavirus in Scotland. The Scottish Government has stated that from Monday all large gatherings above 500 people with the potential to impact the emergency services should be cancelled to prioritise the Covid-19 outbreak – it is possible there could be further changes beyond this.

At the SOA we take very seriously the safety of all organisers and participants in our events. In particular we ask all members to act responsibly and stay at home if they develop any symptoms of coronavirus, feel generally unwell, or fall into any of the other categories listed in the British Orienteering document.

We will continue to monitor the situation in conjunction with British Orienteering and issue further updates and guidance as necessary.

Communication will be through two primary routes: announcement on the SOA website and direct email to members and clubs.

– Tim O’Donoghue, SOA Safety Director

If you’re an SOA member who has not received this announcement by email, please check your junk email and ensure communications@scottish-orienteering.org is added to your safe senders list. You can also make sure you are signed up to receive SOA official communications through this link.