Club Development Fund

At this stage in the year we would normally be opening the SOA club development fund for a first round of applications to help support the development of grassroots orienteering.

In the current circumstances, we suspect that most clubs will not feel in the best position to be pushing forward with plans for new projects and we have therefore decided to delay the application process until later in the year.

There will still be the same pot of money available as usual and clubs are encouraged to think now about projects that they may wish to get underway later in the year. In particular, we anticipate there may be a need for funding to help kick-start the sport again once the current restrictions on activities have been relaxed.

In the meantime, if any club does have any immediate need for support for a project that would fall within the usual remit of the club development fund, then please contact to discuss this.

Information about the club development fund and guidelines for suitable projects are available here