The Route Map Out of Lockdown

Following the Scottish Government publication of Scotland’s route map from lockdown , we will now consider how each phase has implications for orienteering in Scotland. Today’s news is obviously very welcome however we would remind all members that until 28th May when we receive further guidance from the Scottish Government the current restrictions in Scotland remain in place.

We will take some time to consider the Scottish Government route map and work in partnership with British Orienteering to ensure we provide orienteering in Scotland the correct guidance and outline a clear re-activation plan for the coming weeks and months ahead. While today’s statement by the First Minister gave us hope of increased outdoor activity it is imperative we realise that we have not, at this stage, been given the green light to ‘return to sport’. Scottish Orienteering will be working closely with British Orienteering and other outdoor sports to fully understand the route map and ensure we operate in line with the latest public health information at every stage.

In the coming days we will provide further information to clubs and members to outline the activities that may be possible for orienteering within Phase 1 of the road map