Mindset, High Altitude and Adventure – 16 June, Social Evening

As our way to say thanks to you, please join Roxburgh Reivers and WOC 2024 Event Director Paul McGreal hosting Prof Chris Imray, mountaineer, seven summiteer and surgeon
discussing Everest, oxygen research, adventures, challenges and a strong mindset for
endurance activities.

Paul at work

Discussing expeditions, endurance events, research on oxygen & physiology at high altitude and top tips for developing a strong mindset, join Paul leading us through Chris’s presentation http://www.case-medicine.co.uk/Chris-Imray with Q and A’s to follow. Bound to be an interesting evening. Don’t miss out.

Chris Imray on Elbrus, Russia

16 June 7:30-9 pm Register here by 12 June https://forms.gle/14NUxZzcoKGmLSFR7 Thanks Denise