Tuesday is STAG day… check out their amazing Volunteers

The New Generation of STAG plus –

Featured Volunteers are:

ARNIS SALTUMS In March 2019, Arnis accepted the role of STAG Chairperson and has become the focal point and inspiration to our growing membership.
Originally from Latvia, his love for Orienteering is derived from ‘RELAYS’ & ‘MAPPING’.
At Drumlanrig Estate  he co-ordinated STAG’s largest ever entry for the Relays and in his ever broadening Glasgow accent was omni-present to encourage our newbies to stay focused.
He also found time – difficult when one works – to produce a 2 cracking maps – Urban of Whitecrook Estate & more recently Dalmuir Park & Golf Course which remains unused due to Covid-19 restrictions.
Arnis’ wealth of experience also played a pivotal part in Strathearn 2019 not that any of you would know. Due to ‘larch disease’ @ Ca’B, STAG stepped in to set up a reserve area & in June 2019 another set of courses were planned & taped @ Grandtully South just in case. Super Work ARNIS, Thanks so much!


FREDRIK NORDVALL FORSBERG Fredrik originates from Sweden and since joining STAG he has become fully involved in all aspects of STAG Life.
Having planned a few STAG events, in early 2019 Fredrik agreed to be the Assistant Controller to Richard Oxlade @ Edinchip for Day 2 of Strathearn 2019 and his younger legs came in very handy.In the week prior he had assisted his Mother who was a Day Organiser @ ORINGEN 2019 back in Sweden so a very busy fortnight back then.
Never short of innovative ideas STAG’s DU’O’ – Team Relays – was Fredrik’s idea and proved to be highly successful when held prior to 2019 GPC @ Queen’s Park.
In 2020 he has continued where he left off by planning STAG’s SCORE @ Strathclyde Country Park & more recently agreeing to co-ordinate STAG’s MapRunF projects.

From Your Club and SOA – On behalf of STAG thank you both for your immense contribution to the ongoing development of STAG.



TERRY O’BRIEN – For so many reasons and for being a strength for STAG and involved with Orienteering in so many capacities. Thank You Terry for your ongoing commitment to the sport!