Volunteering Behind the Scenes

Club Chairs and Board Members – Thank You for your commitment and steady navigation within your clubs and across the organisation

Orienteering flags hanging in the outdoors to dry

Clubs are run by you and guidance provided by your club committee. There are so many people to acknowledge for past and present support and for future orienteering to come. Club chairs offer guidance and direction, giving advice and providing leadership. For this key role we would like to pass on our sincere thanks to you – (apologies for any missed names)

Board of Directors – Working hard behind the scenes for us – BIG CLAP and massive thanks

Chair of the Board & Development Director Anne Hickling

Finance Director Ben Hartman

Performance Director Claire Ward

Scottish 6 Days Chairman Dave Kershaw

SOA (Acting) President Richard Oxlade

Equality, Welfare & Diversity Director Stephen Moffatt

Score Editor Bridget Khursheed 

Safety Director Tim O’ Donoghue 

Operations Director Ade Chapman 

Board Secretary Liz Orr

a few photos…