Saturday features Interlopers & their Volunteer Heroes

Interlopers Orienteering Club Logo
Paul and Ken

Ken Daly – Ken is a longstanding core volunteer for Interlopers, in particular through having provided considerable behind-the-scenes effort in the club’s programme of Come-And-Try-It local events. As well as coordinating the series, he has taken on a number of events himself to bridge gaps in club planning and organising capacities. He’s also been active in ensuring a supply of welcome packs to hand out to those new to orienteering and encourage their on-going participation. He has contributed much value through encouraging and mentoring newer members to develop into volunteers, with support for organising events and tutoring for using Condes and learning to plan. He’s continued this during Lockdown, setting up a club planning competition. He can always be relied upon to help out as the need arises, for example, stepping in at very short notice to hang controls at the Six Days after the club member who had taken that role sprained his ankle. He’s shown his strong commitment to the club in the form of many years on the committee making Interlopers happen. Thanks Ken!


Paul Caban – Paul shines as a volunteer for many reasons. As the equipment officer for Interlopers for years (and calmly coping with supplying equipment to EUOC for the Big Weekend as well!) he kindly offers his shed as well! He is the SOA fixtures co-ordinator and acted as assistant controller day 4 and day 5 at 2019 6 days . As a regular volunteer on the start of Scottish Schools Orienteering Festival his help his unwavering. Paul frequently and quietly helps out smaller clubs when they are short of helpers at events ,collecting controls or what ever is needed . And of course, all the normal club volunteer stuff such as organising and planning local events, controlling events, putting out controls, collecting them in, always willing and reliable doing what ever needs to be done to make our sport happen. You are a star Paul, thank you.