Updated Route map to the Reactivation of Orienteering in Scotland is Published

Having given due consideration to the changes outlined in the First Minister’s speech on the 24th June which outlines several amendments to the Scottish Government’s Route map we have updated our Route map to reflect what may be possible in the coming weeks.

Phases 2-4 Draft ReActivation of Orienteering FINAL 29062020

As previously stated, all changes to which orienteering activities may be permitted must first be given approval by sportscotland on behalf of the Scottish Government before they can be published in the form of guidance by the SOA. The Route map published here is an indication of possible changes that may come in the near future.

We remind all clubs and members that we are still in Phase Two and urge members to continue to adhere to the current public health guidance and our SOA guidelines.

Scottish Orienteering Reactivation Phase 2 COVID19 - FINAL - 19062020

We recognise that events and getting back to orienteering is of paramount importance and we will work with clubs over the coming weeks to ensure they are adequately informed and supported in the necessary steps that will need to be taken to run safe events in the future to reduce the possibility of transmission of COVID-19.

We remain committed to ensuring our members stay safe, protect others and save lives.