Child Protection Update

As club events and activities restart it is important we consider our Child Protection and Welfare responsibilities. Our partner’s at Children’s 1st have provided an insightful document for clubs to consider as ‘Children and Young People’ return to sport following a period of lockdown. We have an update on processing an PVG applications your club may require and we recommend a documentary on Netflix.

A reminder that the welfare of children in our sport is EVERYONE’s responsibility! If you have any concerns, please raise them with your Club Child Welfare officer or to Any concerns will be dealt with in the strictest confidence and follow the procedures outlined in our Child Protection & Welfare policies.

Children’s 1st guidance on the return of Children & Young People to sport

Children 1st Guidance on Returning to Sport after lockdown

Return to PVG processing – Moving Online

As we emerge from lockdown, PVG applications can once again be processed. However paper application cannot YET be accepted by SOA because we do not have access to our registered office at Glenmore Lodge.

Online applications can now be processed using this link Digital Routine Application Process.  We are new to this system and are working our way through the online guidance available but are happy if some clubs wish to try this as an alternative to paper forms. There is not a telephone helpline available but, you will see from clicking the process link that the information you should require and support is available online.

Any questions related to PVG applications should be sent to

‘Athlete A’ Documentary

For those of you who have access to Netflix we would recommend viewing “Athlete A”. It is a 90 minute documentary looking at USA Gymnastics and the abuse by Dr Larry Nassar.  Of particular interest is the focus on governance, culture and leadership as enablers. It’s well worth a look.