Launch of new Event Officials Guidelines and Framework

The following document gives guidance to Event Officials and clubs by showing them useful pathways to growing our advanced officials of the future.  We all know how difficult it can be to find an Organiser, Planner or Controller for an event and this just gets harder the bigger the event.  This new document was created to make it as simple as possible, to encourage as much as possible and to support the membership and clubs in general in producing and encouraging orienteers to get involved as volunteers; our most valuable resource and something that we cannot run our sport without!

Events Officials Guidelines and Framework v1.1 17082020

New Planner Advocate & Controller Advocate Roles

We would also like to announce two new roles that will champion the cause of Controllers and Planners, known as Advocates; these will initially be:

Controller Advocate: Rob Hickling. Email:

Planner Advocate: Lynne Walker. Email:

More details of their roles can be found within the new guidelines.  The new Advocates intend to embrace technology and in particular the ‘Zoom age’, hoping to have lots of online forums to discuss and promote all aspects of Operations within the SOA.  If you would like to engage with them, if you have any great ideas, or just want to identify areas that need to be looked at, please feel free  to drop them a line, they would love to hear from you.