Developing our Planners

Scottish Orienteering relies on the skills of the volunteer members to plan the courses we all enjoy participating in. More planners = healthy options for clubs. Join the movement.

Planners Workshops

The skill set required by a planner of events develops over time, often with help from a more experienced club member. 

Since March 2020 there have been many online discussion sessions taking place with a variety of topics; many of these discussions have been enriched by people bringing in a variety of experience from the different ways each club approaches a topic. These online sessions have allowed members to take part from the comfort of their home. It is proposed to develop this further for planners (both for people who are new to planning and those with experience) through a variety of online workshops. While the main delivery method will be online, it is also possible to offer face-to-face sessions should a club / group of members wish this to happen; there would be a cost involved to cover the trainer travel expenses.

A variety of trainers will be used for these workshops, drawing on the depth of experience of the Scottish Orienteering members. If the workshop is face-to-face, we will try to source a local trainer for the group.

Below is a list and outline of the initial workshops we propose to run; the online workshops will be from 7:30pm to 8:30pm on a Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday evening. We do have a follow up list – suggestions for workshops would be very welcome though!

Please sign up through the Google Form at this link

Responses are required by 30 October

Outline of workshops

Lynne is open to suggestions and ideas

  • Working as a team : Event officials discussion – Discussion about best practice / good ideas regarding working together – organizer / planner / controller. 1 hour workshop
  • Getting started in planning : Understanding the basics – TD levels, planning legs to TD levels, common errors to avoid / pitfalls. 3 or 4 x 1-hour sessions
  • Long vs. Middle distance : Understanding similarities & differences between long distance planning and middle-distance planning. 2 x 1-hour sessions
  • 2DRerun : Using 2DRerun to compare route choices – especially in urban areas. 1 hour workshop
  • Taping control sites : How to accurately tape control sites and what to use. 1 hour workshop