New ROMP at Glenmore

A seasonal ROMP has been set up at Glenmore Lodge and is available to individuals and families operating within current Covid-19 guidelines and restrictions announced by the First Minister. 

There are 19 numbered controls, but no pin punches (or electronic punching) in and around the area south of Glenmore Lodge.  Limited parking is available at the Lodge (no toilet facilities) and at the Hayfield car park (Forestry & Land Scotland).  Please do not park on the access road between the Reindeer Centre and the Lodge.

Many thanks to Steve Smirthwaite of Moravian Orienteers who has updated the map to ISOM 2017 but the map has not been checked for any changes to features.  It is reported that the ground is very marshy and wet and grass is very high!   Thanks to Fran Britain who set out the controls – please report any missing controls as the area is prone to vandalism.

Maps (pdf only) can be requested from   Maps are free to SOA members but if you would like to make a contribution towards the costs of maintaining equipment and other expenses you are most welcome. Non-SOA members are asked for a contribution of £3.50 (bank details available on request).

In addition to the normal style ROMP there is also a MapRun course available. The MapRun course is orange standard and can be accessed from the Scotland/SOA folder in the MapRunF app. Information is also available in the SOA MapRun course listings, together with a downloadable pdf of the course for printing. The course has been remotely planned and not yet tested out, so if you give it a go then please do let know how you got on!