Newsletter – Coaching, Courses, Workshops, and Great Members across the country

Have a read as to what has been happening and who has been involved – Denise Martin Coaching and Volunteer Coordinator

More than ever, online learning has become a reality in our lives. Face to face workshops are most certainly missed however it is impressive to see how adaptive we have been, all of us, to this wider world of learning possibilities. Coaching courses are running well with a Coaching Foundation course just completed and another starting in early Feb. A Level 1 course is currently running with 7 participants.  IntrO type and Back to Basics courses are being delivered successfully and have since last spring. It is very pleasing to see a Remote Terrain Workshop oversubscribed and successfully delivered during the BOF coaching conference. So popular that SOA is running a bespoke, ‘Training for Trainers’, allowing more members to deliver the workshop.

Behind the scenes, Planners courses have been running since October and continued into January. We are delighted and boastful of the success of the series of excellent workshops organised by Lynne Walker and delivered by a host of our members. A big round of thank you goes out to Lindsey Knox, Dave Robertson, Ian Maxwell, Donald Grassie, Mark Nixon, Anne Hickling, Richard Oxlade, Ade Chapman, Iain Embrey and Lynne Walker for their contributions to these five workshops.

To enjoy the success, a few quotes are added:

2DReRun: “we are going to use 2DReRun on Zoom for some of our coaching sessions”

Taping control sites: “Really enjoyed the session – lots of interesting and thought-provoking ideas and comments. The trainer did very well and is obviously very knowledgeable”

“it was a really useful session and very practical.”

Getting Started in Planning: “Very illuminating on the higher TD courses which I have never planned before. Homework will be very interesting.”

  • “I am really enjoying the workshops, learning so much. Also enjoying being with people from across Scotland. I am learning so much.” (this applies to 3 workshops)
  • “Enjoying the workshops – I think they really work well and are very well organised.” (applies to Middle vs Long as well)

Remote terrain workshop

“I enjoyed the remote area workshop.  I don’t think I’ve met Iain Embrey before, but he was very knowledgeable and very well organised. “

“I thought the breakout groups were really good for having the chance to discuss what we were learning in a manageable way, and that these were vital to making it a workshop rather than a presentation.”

Comments from Lynne Walker in the role of Planner Advocate –I already have some ideas for the next ‘menu’ of workshops – but I am looking for more. What topic/s would you like to know more about? What topics are you willing to be the ‘trainer’ for? We are also debating when to have them – would people like any more pre-Easter or should we leave them until early autumn? Please email Lynne Walker with your ideas and thoughts and offers of being the workshop trainer.