Proposed events calendar 2021

Following the First Minister’s statements this week we want to provide something to look forward to during these days in lockdown and to reassure our members that we are committed to hosting events in 2021, when restrictions allow. Our primary focus as the first step will be supporting and encouraging clubs to restart with local events and re-engage their members. We will provide advice and support to clubs  to ensure everyone has confidence that all measures have been taken to allow for the safe return of our sport.

And looking beyond local events, we want to give our commitment to supporting the return of regional and national events when we are permitted to do so.

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Our ambitions

  • A Junior Series (mini SOL) coordinated by the Scottish Orienteering Development Team with support from ScotJos and the Junior Regional Squads. As juniors will be able to participate in outdoor sports these events are expected to go ahead even if we can’t put on regional or national events for adults
  • A Scottish spring weekend in central Scotland at the end of May when there is a chance that travel from multiple areas will be possible
  • An individual Scottish Championships on a quality area (Crag-a-Barns) in June when there is a chance that travel from all areas will be possible
  • A short SOUL series starting once competitors can travel from all areas
  • The Scottish 6 Days Event with competitors from all of the UK
  • A small number of SOL events starting after the Scottish 6 Days in the Autumn

Some of the key dates are listed below. As you will appreciate, this draft calendar will be subject to change and all events will only be able to take place in line with Scottish Government restrictions and subject to approval from sportscotland of sport specific guidance which is currently being updated.

Discussions with clubs are ongoing; if any clubs wish to discuss a regional or national event please contact Richard Oxlade In the meantime, we’d like to say a huge thank you to everyone who is working hard to put on these events despite the uncertainty. It’s very much appreciated.

Orienteering is a great outdoor sport Scotland
Getting back to events

DRAFT Scottish Orienteering Calendar 2021 – weekend events

29th May  Masterplan sprint event in Perthshire (location TBC). 

30th May  Junior series event and FVO Regional event, Auchingarrich (TBC)  

6th June MAROC SOUL, Banchory

13th June Scottish Championships hosted by ESOC, Craig a Barns. Individual only.

1-7th August Scottish 6 Days Lochaber 2021. Entries available at

4th/5th September MAROC/GRAMP SHI and double SOL weekend

24th/25th September AYROC/ STAG Double SOUL weekend and Scottish Sprint Championships

23rd/24th October MOR Moray Mix weekend (SOUL + SOL)

7th or 21st November Possible FVO SOUL and possible Scottish Score Championship weekends