Interested in joining the SOA Equality Sub-committee?

Following the Gender Equality community conversation, we are taking the first action of calling for interested parties to send an application to join the Scottish Orienteering Equality sub-committee. Please read on to find out the scope of the committee, role outlines and how to apply.

The Outlined Purpose Of The Equality Sub-committee 

To make recommendations to SOA Board of Directors on all relevant aspects of equality and inclusion, with particular emphasis on ensuring adherence to a rolling Equality Action Plan for the organisation. The committee will share material and learning with SOA Staff and affiliated clubs.  

Roles and Responsibilities 

  • Advise SOA on matters relating to equality and inclusion, including data capture, reporting, training, culture, and event delivery 
  • Provide oversight of and support to the SOA Equality Action Plan
  • Assist in shaping SOA’s long-term approach to the Equality Standard for Sport
  • Provide added capacity to SOA around relevant projects and developments
  • Help to guide SOA’s approach to partnerships with external organisations 
  • Advise and support SOA with appropriate communications on areas of equality and inclusion.   

Membership and frequency of meetings 

The Committee shall be made up of the following members:  

  • SOA Welfare Director
  • SOA Chief Operating Officer (or SOA staff representative)
  • Up to 5 representatives from affiliated SOA clubs

Additional input may be sought from co-opted members so as to provide specialist expertise or complement the skill set of the group.  

The Welfare Director will Chair the Equality committee, which will be reviewed after the first year. Representatives will be appointed for a term of up to 2 years, subject to annual review.  

The Equality Committee shall meet at agreed intervals and not fewer than two times per year. These meetings will take place either in person or online at the discretion of the Chair.

Applying to join the committe

Application is by cover letter, sent to Neil Rankin, Welfare Director,


The Group is recognised by the SOA Board and is expected to support the staff and Board  in discharging SOA’s commitment(s) to equality and inclusion.

Equality subcommittee Term of Reference 31032021.docx

Equality Committee Role Description 31032021