Guidance Beyond Level 0

On reflection of the guidance provided to us by sportscotland for ‘beyond level 0’ which came into affect on 16th August and on balance of the current national figures for Covid in Scotland we have taken the decision at this time to not amend our existing guidance. However there have been some changes to the events risk assessment which is published below. We will be running a covid officer question and answer session on 9th September for clubs to air their views and ask any questions relating to guidance or risk assessments currently in place or provide their input into the next steps.

We recognise Scotland has moved beyond level 0 and we will continue to review our guidance and risk assessments every 3 weeks to ensure we are evolving our guidance in line with Scottish Government. While we understand that some may wish us to offer further removal of restrictions to enable the sport to return, Covid still remains a risk and we remain committed to protecting the reputation of the sport but also crucially the welfare of all our participants.

We believe clubs and members are well versed in pre-registration and start line protocols and we do not think that now is the time to remove these mitigations. We also understand there is still some discussion about the need to quarentine equipment, this has been reviewed and reflected in the events risk assessment.

Events Risk Assessment for Beyond Level 0

This risk assessment was amended and approved on 23rd August to reflect restrictions and mitigations in place for safe orienteering events under the conditions of ‘beyond level 0’ in Scotland. The activites and coaching risk assessment is currently under review but the existing template for Level 0 remains in use until a new template is published.

Covid 19 risk assessment Aug 21 L 0+ v1

Covid Officer Q&A Session

Sign up here for the Q&A on current guidelines, risk assessment and we welcome discussion on what challenges are faced by clubs and where we need to consider further relaxation of restrictions/mitigation in place. The session will be on Zoom on 9th September 2021 starting at 7.30pm. Sign up to be part of the discussion here

Guidelines and Risk Assessments

To clarify these guidaance documents and risk assessments for activities and coaching remain in place. These will be reviewed every 3 weeks.

Scottish Orienteering Guidance L0 July 2021 16072021 FINAL